Take the First Step Toward Your Criminal Justice Career Now!

Baker College

Baker College - Muskegon, MI


Right after graduation I had a ton of confidence because I had this degree behind me. - Baker College Graduate

Baker College is the largest independent college in Michigan with the most focused approach to education and training available. Baker College has the lowest tuition of any private college in Michigan. All graduates receive lifetime employment assistance that includes job placement, job interview questions, and workshops. Financial aid is available to those that qualify.

Criminal Justice

Those who work within the criminal justice system help maintain social order by preventing and reducing crime. Usually, people who work in this area are driven by a desire to help others and make the world a safer place. The field is broad and multi-disciplinary. A degree in criminal justice provides the foundation for careers in law enforcement, corrections or the courts. Online offered also


1903 Marquette Ave




Career School Now - Baker College Muskegon, MI

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