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Friends University

About Friends University

At Friends University, we believe higher education has a higher purpose. A community that fosters personal growth and personal achievement. For a better you and a brighter future. Friends University, a Christian University of Quaker heritage, equips students to honor God and serve others by integrating their intellectual, spiritual and professional lives.

As searchers and learners, we support curiosity and research, and assign great value to diversity of experience. As people who value such diversity and openness, we approach new situations and people with good will and humility. We believe in equity and in the dignity of all people.

As a community, we accept and cherish our responsibility to care for one another in our learning and working relationships. We understand that a part of that care must be to become better stewards of what we have been given. We take care of the future as if we already are there.Classes are available on campus and online. Financial aid is available to those who qualify.


Friends University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission.


Learn more at the Friends University website.

Campus Location

2100 W. University Ave.




Career School Now - Friends University

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