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Learn About Becoming A Security Guard

Do you have astute observation skills? Are you patient? Quick decision making skills is your superpower? Then becoming a security guard might be the perfect job for you. Here are some things you need to know about becoming a security guard. 

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What Exactly Does A Security Guard Do?

Security guards are a necessary. For many establishments such as banks, apartment buildings, malls, a security guard is onsite to ensure the safety of civilians. Security guards try to make sure there is nothing illegal going on like vandalism, theft, or worse. As a security guard, you'll enforce the law of the building you are hired to work in. You are either behind a desk or patrolling the area you've been hired to protect.

Another similar role is a gaming officer, and you will work as security in casinos. Using audio-visual equipment, you monitor the casino floor where they check for any illegal or suspicious activities.

The responsibilities of both security and gaming officers vary depending on where they are employed.

How Much Schooling Is Involved; What's Required?

If you’re thinking about becoming a security guard, then you must have a high school diploma or GED and be at least 18 years old. Gaming officers need experience with video surveillance technology. If you are using firearms, all 50 states require you to be registered and carry a permit.

Many employers provide on-site training for their new hires. However, the amount of training will vary. Minimally, expect at least 8 hours of of pre-assignment training, 8-16 hours of on-the-job training, and 8 hours of annual training. Protection, public relations, report writing, crisis diversion, and first aid are just a few skills you will learn while training to become a security guard.

An armed guard needs to have more in-depth training due to the nature of the position and the weapons he or she is required to use efficiently.

How Much Will A Security Guard Make?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, security guards made an average of $40,440 in 2023, with the top 10 percent making closer to $57,400 or more. There is minimal job advancement within the field but it is available. You can become the security manager or open your own security guard business.

Now throughout 2032, there is expected to be little to no change in the demand for security guards. Job opportunities appear to remain steady, especially in industrial settings, businesses, casinos, and even certain retail outlets.

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