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Become A Bailiff

Are you someone who possesses good judgment and strong interpersonal and negotiating skills? Are you physically strong and self-disciplined? Then perhaps becoming a court bailiff is the perfect career choice for you!

Job Duties Of A Court Bailiff

The person in charge of maintaining decorum and security in the courtroom is the bailiff. Bailiffs also announce the arrival and departure of the presiding judge. Bailiffs may also call the witnesses to the stand and present the oath beforehand.

Within the courtroom, as a bailiff, you will monitor an inmate’s activities, provide administrative support to the judge or jury, make sure the courtroom supplies are stocked, deliver documents to the stand, and take custody of the inmate.

Bailiffs need strong communication, public relations and interpersonal skills to effectively present needed information. You should also know basic math, pay attention to detail, and work well in a team environment.

A court bailiff provides many services necessary to keeping the entire building running smoothly and safely.

How To Become A Court Bailiff

To become a court bailiff, you must be at least 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED. Law enforcement or military training will be counted toward the training credits.

To pursue a court bailiff career, you must first attend either a two- or four-year college, trade school or police academy. Courses in criminal justice, law enforcement, or civil rights will provide an excellent foundation for this career.

CPR and first aid training are good skills to possess, as well.

Many employers provide on-the-job training for bailiffs but many will not hire until after formal academy training has been completed. You not only undergo training but also will learn how to place someone under arrest and to properly use firearms.

Job Earning And Outlook For Court Bailiff

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that bailiffs earned an average salary of $58,460 in 2023, with the top 10 percent averaging closer to $87,670 or more. 

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